Glass Processing with CNC Technology
CMS technology enables drilling, countersinking, milling, and scoring of monolithic, laminated, and low-emissivity glass.
CMS Machine:
- it enables the processing of rectangular glass sheets as well as those with other shapes (one side with a right angle is required)
- it is equipped with two coaxial opposing spindles and a tool cooling system using internal and external water, which enables higher quality finishing and processing
- including 13+6 tool magazines, controlled rotary tools ensure the fastest possible tool change
Advantages of CMS cutting:
- very high level of precision (with an accuracy of 0.1mm)
- relatively high speed while maintaining high quality
- możliwość wycinania różnorodnych kształtów z pewnymi ograniczeniami
- no risk of heat-affected zones or deformations
- praca ze szkłem i lustrem grubości od 4 mm do 15 mm
- the ability to cut both large and small sheets of varying thicknesses
- możliwość maksymalnego wykorzystania tafli (utrata ok. 2-6 mm na każdej krawędzi)
- no material stress
- clean cutting
- versatility of application.
CMS cutting is characterised by the processing of external edges as well as internal edges with a frosted and polished finish.

CMS cutting allows for cutting with very high precision:
- various shapes along the outline,
- openings of various shapes and sizes, from micro to large
- cuts and
- notches.
Are you interested?
Contact us:
Contact person: Łukasz Wawrzyniak
Phone: 601 761 023